Thursday, October 18, 2012

Video Ads on LinkedIn, Really?

What are the benefits to using the new LinkedIn Video Ads?

“More than 100 million Americans watch videos each day.” – Techcrunch quote

“Online video is the fastest growing ad format in 2012 with nearly 55% growth.”eMarketer January 2012

With more and more positive statistics for video ads, why would anyone wait to take advantage of this marketing tool?  LinkedIn has launched the video ad option this month to all its members.  Have you received your email update with a button to begin a video ad immediately?  I did!  I clicked.

I found that the video ad creation on LinkedIn is easy, informative, and includes great statistics to measure your ROI.  They have included some wonderful tips and tricks to increase your success with their ad campaigns.

Are you ready to begin?  I have put together a checklist to help you know what you need to have before you begin your video ad creation.  Enjoy!

  1. YouTube video URL – 30 second commercial
  2. Destination URL – The final location on the Internet you want your “clicker” to arrive finally
  3. Headline – LinkedIn suggests you use a question for your headline
  4. Description – Choose wisely because you only are allowed 75 characters on 2 lines
  5. Daily Budget – Make a decision as to how much you want to spend per day or per click.  What is the outcome worth to you?
You probably noticed that it mentioned a YouTube video URL.  LinkedIn requires that your video is kept on YouTube and you provide only the link.  They do require that the video is a maximum of 30 seconds. 

You would be surprised what can be communicated within 30 seconds.

I suggest you search YouTube for some commercial ideas.  Ask yourself the following questions….
  • What should I include in my video?
  • Which videos on YouTube were viewed the most?
  • What content did the most viewed commercials include?
  • What type of personality are the commercials portraying?
  • What can I provide in 30 seconds that will encourage the viewer to respond to the “call to action”?
Video Ads can generate website traffic, drive conversion, educate your potential clients, & increase revenue. 

I challenge you to create a video that you’re not going to post on YouTube or use on LinkedIn Ads.  Why, you ask?  Practice!  Once you create a video that you know will not be used, you can critique yourself and feel good knowing that your first draft will be used as a guide going forward.

My first video was TERRIBLE. The background was too busy and messy, the camera was shooting from under my head and my nose looked huge, & I did not have “camera” make up on.  I wasn’t even worried if my content was good. 

Needless to say, my videos have gotten better and better over time.  I used the first video as a guide and it was perfect!

When you create your commercial and ready for the world to see, please post the YouTube link below in the comments section and on my Facebook page.

We all want to share your success!

Good Luck  & happy taping!

If you enjoyed reading this post, please feel free to leave a positive comment below or share on your social networks.  Thanks!

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