Sunday, March 16, 2014


If you’ve been involved in Social Media in any form or fashion over the past 2-3 years as Twitter has exploded, you’ve seen them. #this, #that, #everything. I’d love to see the percent of English words that have had a hashtag attached to the front of it on Twitter. My guess would be over 50%, and over 75% would not surprise me at all. However, sadly, no such research has been conducted….yet.

The hashtag hasn’t just been solely a Twitter based social media staple, it has made its way onto Instagram, and yes, even Facebook now sees its fair shares of the famous hashtag. But what does it mean for YOU---The businessperson who wants to reach the most possible people so that they see your product or service and hopefully invest in you. If you know how to utilize the hashtag well, you can end up taking your business to the next level.

The purpose of a hashtag on social media is to “allow you to organize content and track discussion topics based on those keyword” –(Mashable). A hashtag connects you with other people who are using the similar tag regarding their tweet, picture, or post. By utilizing major events like award shows #TheOscars, hit tv shows #TheBachelor, or even sporting events #SBXLVIII, it can be a great way to connect with thousands of other people simply by using the similar tag. By clicking on the link that is created with the #, you can scroll through every post using the hashtag. Talk about great (and free) advertising!! Some people get creative with their hashtags and do a #original hashtag, or one that is not a “trending topic”. The key to these hashtags is to keep them #short, but be careful,  #ifyourhashtaggetstoolongitisalotoflettersrunningtogetherandisveryhardtoread.

Get creative and have a lot of fun with Hashtags! It’s a really cool way to connect with your client base and possibly get new clients in the process! The purpose of them is to connect you to others with similar content, so brainstorm some of the possible hashtags that your company could utilize to expand its social media outreach and get new customers!

 #Hashtag with Jimmy Fallon & Justin Timberlake

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