Thursday, October 25, 2012

How Valuable Is A Facebook "Like"?

What is the value of a Facebook Fan Liking my posts & how do I drive more Likes?

How many times a month do I hear this question?  An estimated 20 times per month.

Businesses are all looking for the magic potion that will push their fan numbers through the roof.  They see the NFL, Starbucks, Einstein Bagels and other large brand pages and feel the need for their small local business to have large numbers too.

So, what is the value of a Facebook Fan today?

Why should a business be concerned with the number of Likes their posts receive?

The value of a fan could be priceless, but could be worth $0.  Your business needs to make the decision based on the marketing strategy they are trying to achieve on social media.

If a fan will tell the business they like their posts ( by hitting the like button ), they are helping the business know what information they enjoy receiving. 

When a fan/customer will share a post, tag the business in a positive testimony on their wall, or share a personal story with their friends about a product or service they enjoyed the business wins every time!  Knowing this, a business really wants to encourage this type of behavior more often than just liking their posts.

The magic question of how to drive more likes is answered easily.  Create content that your fans enjoy!  The majority of Facebook users enjoy fun videos, photos, quotes, and quirky information.  Finding the sweet spot takes time listening and watching fans interact or not.

Should you concentrate on the Likes your page receives?  Only to help you know if the content you are posting is relevant to your fan base and good enough for them to share with their friends.

Challenge to you today: Plan a 30 day practice run with a variety of posts and information.  Analyze the 30 days and find out what your fans view as shareable content.

Good Luck!

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